Smart village: installation points of technologies are defined
In the next two months Vila A, in Foz do Iguaçu, will receive equipment that will transform it into the first smart public neighborhood in the country. Among them, traffic lights, bus stops, parking lots and street lighting that rely on Artificial intelligence to improve the routine of residents and visitors. Essential definitions for the […]
Smart village: installation points of technologies are defined
In the next two months Vila A, in Foz do Iguaçu, will receive equipment that will transform it into the first smart public neighborhood in the country. Among them, traffic lights, bus stops, parking lots and street lighting that rely on Artificial intelligence to improve the routine of residents and visitors. Essential definitions for the […]
Entrepreneurs supported by PTI develop solutions to support the paranaense industry
The Itaipu Technology Park (PTI-BR) received 57 demands from medium and large companies in Paraná with issues that need to be resolved to improve competitiveness and, consequently, generate development for the state. On Monday, 05, in a new stage of the Corporate Innovation Program, for which the proposals were sent, the Technology Park began a […]
Monitoring of Vila a Inteligente technologies will be done from the acoustic shell of the Gramadão
The Operations Control Center (CCO) of the technologies that will be installed by the Vila a Inteligente program already has a predefined place of operation: the acoustic shell of the Itaipu Gramadão. There the information of all equipment will be monitored and integrated with other systems, ensuring residents and visitors to the neighborhood greater sense […]
PTI and Fundação Araucária contribute almost half a million in technological solutions to combat the economic effects of Covid-19
A new phase began for four Brazilian startups this Thursday, 15, after the signing of the acceleration contracts of the Corporate Innovation program, promoted by the Itaipu Technology Park (PTI-BR), The Araucária Foundation and Sebrae-PR. Each project will receive up to one hundred thousand reais to invest in the development of technological solutions focused on […]
Latinoware tem atividades em Libras pela primeira vez
O 17o Congresso Latino-americano de Software Livre e Tecnologias Abertas (Latinoware) iniciou sua programação com uma série de novidades este ano. Pela primeira vez haverá atividades com tradutores intérpretes de Libras (Língua Brasileira de Sinais). A iniciativa ocorreu espontaneamente, quando o trabalho da acadêmica de ciência da computação da UFFS(Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul) de Chapecó foi […]
Mais de 4 mil pessoas acompanham 1º dia do Latinoware
Em um ano de muitos desafios, não dá pra perder grandes oportunidades, como é o caso da 17ª edição do Congresso Latino-Americano de Software Livre e Tecnologias Abertas (Latinoware). O evento começou nesta quarta-feira, 02, com a proposta de proporcionar o compartilhamento de informações e experiências na área, de forma gratuita e, pela primeira vez, […]